
The city of Crotone

Set up on the site of the ancient Greek Kroton, the entire area of the city of Crotone is considered a significant historical and archaeological heritage, the exceptional wholesomeness of its territory justified the physical vigor of its famous athletes and its women, among the most beautiful in the Greek world.
Home to a very famous medical school, Crotone was chosen as a homeland by Pythagoras who established a school of scientific philosophy and thanks to the Pythagoreans in 500 BC. it became the most important commercial center of Magna Graecia.

On the nineteenth-century Piazza Pitagora, which is the point of union between the old and the modern part of the city, there are the sandstone porticos with a neo-gothic capital from 1867, continuing to Piazza Duomo where the minor Basilica stands. The Cathedral, rebuilt using materials removed from the temple of Hera Lacinia, preserves the icon of the Madonna of Capo Colonna that is venerated each year in a traditional folk festival in May (Maggio Mariano).
The seafront surrounds the ancient and characteristic old town, embellished by fortifications, churches and noble buildings.

The castle of Charles V is one of the most important and massive fortresses of southern Italy during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, it stands in the ancient part of Crotone. It was built in 840 A.C. to defend the city from raids by the Saracens, t was modified in 1541  by Carlo V. It has a polygonal plan, and two towers: a more massive one called "Torre dell'Aiutante", and another called "Torre del Comandante".

Currently the castle houses an archaeological museum that displays ceramic fragments of Calabrian production, in another area of the castle you can taste food and wine products and attend some fun events.

Near the castle is the State Archaeological Museum which houses findings of the ancient and glorious past of the city.
As evidence of the city's illustrious past, today the ruins of the ancient Hera Lacinia Sanctuary are still witnessed by the only symbol of Magna Graecia.



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